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Vanilla Sweet Grass (Hierochloe odorata or Anthoxanthum hirtum) is a cool-season grass known for its aromatic, vanilla-scented foliage. It is sometimes used in herbal medicines or beverages, and is burned in indiginous ceremonies to attract good spirits. This petite native grass sports glossy, green foliage and attractive blooms that last through the summer. Sweet Grass spreads by underground rhizomes, up to 2 feet per year. Due to this spread, it can be difficult to control and eradicate if it spreads to an unwanted area. Keep this in mind when choosing a planting area, or restrict this growth by placing in containers situated in an area where its wonderful scent can be enjoyed. 

Vanilla Sweet Grass

PriceFrom $9.99
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  • Native to Cache County: Yes

    Irrigation Requirement: Moderate (1/2" every 7-10 days)

    Mature Size: 12 - 24' tall and 18 - 30" wide

    Spacing: 12 - 18" apart

    Season: Cool-season grass

    Hardiness Zone: 3 - 7

    Light Requirement: Full Sun to Partial Shade

    Deer Resistant: Yes

    Salt Tolerant: Yes

    Soils: Adaptable to sandy, loamy, or clay soils. Does well in more fertile soils. 

  • Vanilla Sweet Grass prevents erosion and stabilizes soils. 

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