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Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) is a bright and cheerful summer flower that attracts pollinators and serves as a host plant for the majestic Monarch Butterfly. This plant grows in clumps and features lance-shaped leaves with clusters of bright orange flowers all summer long. At the end of the summer the flowers turn into spindle-shaped seedpods that release large amounts of silky seeds. This plant will seed around the landscape, but is much less aggressive than other milkweed varieties.  To prevent this reseeding, simply snip off seedpods before they open and release the seeds. This plant has less toxic "milk" than other species of milkweed, making it a safer offer for landscapes with pets or children that may come in contact with it. However, this also makes it a less desirable host plant for monarchs. This plant grows extremely well from seed. 

Butterfly Weed

  • Native to Cache County: No

    Irrigation Requirement: Low (1/2" every 10-14 days)

    Mature Size: 24 - 30" tall and wide

    Spacing: 12 - 24" apart 

    Bloom Colors: Orange

    Bloom Season: June - August

    Hardiness Zone: 3 - 9

    Light Requirement: Full Sun 

    Deer Resistant: Yes

    Salt Tolerant: Yes

    Soils: Prefers well-draining sandy or loamy soils. Dislikes clay unless well-drained. 

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